Art with Kids, Shaving Cream Swirl

Kids Art: Marbling with Shaving Cream

Art with Kids, Shaving Cream Swirl I would like to share some ideas of the arts with kids.

Today, I would like to show you one of my son’s favourite –  Marbling with Shaving Cream.  We have tried this when he was four.

It is very easy and effective. Kids can have lots of fun.

You can teach kids how to mix the colour to make other colour;  yellow and blue turn to green, blue and red turn to purple, yellow and red turn to orange and if you mix many colours, everything turns to brown…

Materials: Baking tray, Foil, Shaving Cream, a Bamboo stick or fine thin stick, Food colouring (I use primary colours such as blue, yellow, red but any colour would be good), A4 paper


Step 1.  I cover the area with a plastic table cloth which you can buy 2 dollars shop in Australia at $2.

Step2.  Cover the baking tray with foil and place in the centre of the table cloth.

Step3.  Ask kids to spray the shaving foam into the baking tray. (Kids love this) – You can do it if you think that the kid is too small.

Step4. Drop some food colouring into the tay.  Pick up the bamboo stick and stir. Ask kid to change directions.

Step 5. When you and your kid satisfied with the marbling, take a sheet of A4 copy paper and place over the top of the marbling.  Press the paper gently and take it off. You can see the marbling on the paper.


Step 6. Add another colour of food colouring and start mixing with the bamboo stick.

Step. 7 Fold A4 paper into half and place the paper on the top of marbling.  Take the paper off from the tray and fold inside to have mirror image on the paper. You can draw butterfly after it dried.

You can let kids to use their hands. Kids love it doing with the hands too.

It will take a while for the papers to dry.  After they dried, we use them for wrapping papers and greeting cards.

Enjoy :)



Fairyland I keep some marbling images for texture.

This is what I created with one of the swirl images for a fairyland.

Read another popular kids activity -Making Japanese Paper Dolls