I would like to show the light art using a LED flash light.
You may have better effects if you cover your flashlight with a bubble wrap. It helps to make the light’s line clearer and sharper.
I took these photos and wrote the letters by myself. I took the photos for each letter and put the letters together later.
I tried to draw smiley face, however, it came out as a sad face….
I should have turned the light off when I finish one line and turn the light on again for a new line.
I had only 8 seconds to draw because it was the maximum time that I could set with my compact camera. I did not have enough time to draw something more complex.
If you can set the shutter speed slower like 15 seconds or something, you can draw something more interesting.
Materials: Flashlight, Bubble Wrap, and Camera
Camera Setting: Manual Setting – Speed – Slowest with my camera 8 sec. F6.4. Self timer.
I asked kids to draw letters. It should be read as “Earth”. It was a bit difficult for little kids to draw mirror letters. It would be much easier for kids over 10 year old.
Have fun!